1: Identify Tree of Heaven Recognize the distinctive leaflet pattern and unpleasant odor of the Tree of Heaven.

2: Mechanical Removal Pull or dig out young trees, making sure to remove the entire root system.

3: Chemical Control Apply a systemic herbicide directly to the Tree of Heaven's bark.

4: Foliar Spray Use herbicides with glyphosate to spray the Tree of Heaven's leaves.

5: Injection Method Inject herbicide into the Tree of Heaven's trunk for effective eradication.

6: Monitoring and Maintenance Regularly check for regrowth and treat accordingly to prevent reinfestation.

7: Biological Control Introduce natural enemies like the Tree of Heaven webworm to control populations.

8: Mulching Cover the soil around the Tree of Heaven to prevent regrowth.

9: Professional Help Consult a certified arborist or pest control expert for persistent infestations.