1: Title: Identifying Poison Ivy Learn how to spot poison ivy by its distinctive three-leaf pattern and avoid contact.
2: Title: Recognizing Symptoms Discover signs of a poison ivy rash like redness, itching, and blisters.
3: Title: Avoiding Exposure Follow tips to stay safe, such as wearing long sleeves and pants outdoors.
4: Title: Cleaning Up Find out how to wash off oil from poison ivy plants to prevent a rash.
5: Title: Preventing a Rash Take precautions like using barrier creams to protect your skin from poison ivy.
6: Title: Treating a Rash Learn home remedies and over-the-counter options for soothing a poison ivy rash.
7: Title: Seeking Medical Help Discover when to see a doctor for severe poison ivy reactions or infections.
8: Title: Healing Time Understand how long it takes for a poison ivy rash to heal and tips for faster recovery.
9: Title: Conclusion Recap key points on identifying, avoiding, and treating poison ivy for a rash-free outdoor experience.
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